Chunks with salmonsteam cookedwith natural ingredientsStuzzy Chunks with Salmon are a complete luscious meal that will make your cat happy, offering him all the flavour of steamed natural ingredients. They will remind him that you care...
Chunks with chickensteam cookedwith natural ingredientshigh meats contentOffer your cat a balanced and delicious recipe with Stuzzy Chunks with Chicken: steamed and flavourful, rich in natural ingredients and with a high meat content , your cat will not resist this complete meal.Size85g pouch..
Chunks with chicken for kittenssteam cookedwith natural ingredientshigh meats contentA complete recipe studied for your kitten: Stuzzy Chunks with Chicken are prepared with natural ingredients and a high meat content to offer the best in terms of flavour and nutrition, to watch him grow strong and h..